Celton Wales

Celton Wales

Staff Accountant


I graduated from Grand Valley State University with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, I also placed an emphasis on economics and statistics.

What is your area of specialty – how do you best help your clients?

Helping in areas of tax and general guidance but also helping create meaningful data in excel.

How do you like to give back to the community?

I haven’t been able to fulfill this fully yet, but typically I carry a bag in my car for picking up trash on the side of the road/other places. I also try to help volunteer when able. I am looking for boards to join and apply my skills.

What are your superpowers – something you’re good at that others should know about?

Listening – Especially in public accounting, I think being able to listen and observe and produce something meaningful is unique.

Willingness to tackle hard problems – Rarely, am I ever intimidated but the amount of time or work something will take, instead I usually look forward to it, as it usually helps another and accomplishing something excellent takes time.

Accomplishment you’re proud of?

I am proud of where I have gotten to, emotionally, professionally, and privately. I have gotten over a lot of mental hurdles and look forward to continuing to get them. I am also proud of starting my career at Hungerford!

Tell us about your life outside of work (family/pets/sports/activities/interests/hobbies)

Outside of work I love to read, play videos games, and learn things.

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